
Atradius publications provide you with our view on the economic situation in more than 40 countries and the trading outlook of major industries.


Publicație recomandată
Transportation and Logistics Industry Trends July 2024

Rising manufacturing production and consumer demand drive transportation and logistics growth

Monitorul pieței

  • China,
  • India,
  • Automotive/Transport

Trading Briefs

Free reports, papers and business guidance designed to support you as you manage the day-to-day operation of your business.

Trading Briefs | Atradius

Sector Performance Snapshots

An at-a glance summary graphic of the business performance and credit risk situation of key industries in major markets.

Industry Performance Forecast Weather Icon

Risk Map

A world map showing the political risks associated with individual countries, published quarterly by the Atradius Economic Research Department.

Risk map, Country Risk, Country credit ratings | Atradius

Raport de țară

Reports on political stability, economic performance and outlook based on GDP growth, exports, investments and consumption indicators.

Country Report Teaser Image

Cercetare economică

Economic developments and insolvency trends in developed and emerging markets, including insights from our Chief Economist.

Economic Research Teaser Image - Local

Economic Research Teaser Image - Local

Barometrul practicilor de plată

An annual review of corporate payment practices and behaviour as surveyed in more than 30 countries around the world.

Payment Practice Barometer Teaser

Rapoarte de colectare a datoriilor

The annual International Debt Collections Handbook and Global Collections Review feature data on corporate debt collection behaviour.

Debt Collection handbook